Friday, May 9, 2008

Mr. R and Mr. S

Today Mary and I headed down to the south side. My niece, Madeline, was having "grandparent's/special person day" at her school. Obviously, Mary's pretty special. We saw Madeline's classroom, and where she eats lunch, and where she plays dodgeball. Actually, I have no idea if she plays dodgeball, but we did peek in the gym. There was also a short service with special prayers for grandparents, etc. Even there, at a tiny catholic school 40 minutes from our house, people came up and told us they had been praying for Mary!

Madeline and Mary both have the middle name of Ruth. Making them M R (ourlastname) and M R (Maddi'slastname).

Madeline had early dismissal, so we stopped by Darlene's school and were able to see her kindergarten classroom. Again, so many people wanted to see Mary, all who had been praying for her!

Isn't my big sister (and her daughter) pretty?

Madeline and I then picked up lunch and the three of us hung out at her house for a while - with Madeline cracking Mary and me up.


Anonymous said...

aww that was so fun! thank you both for coming

love, Madeline

MaPi said...

They sure are purtee...Love your ugly younger sister