Saturday, April 25, 2009

Party Animal

Tonight while celebrating Charlie's birthday (click to enlarge, and you can see Mary's sugar-high expression, along with her ice-cream-stained shirt, a little better)~

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go. ~Christopher Morley

Running around at Lilacia park today, after story time~
Playing in the not-yet-filled goldfish pond~
Mary in the thick of it~

The older kids were playing tag - a beautiful spring day!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


It really does heal all wounds. One year ago~
And now~
She's a regular little 17 month old - getting into stuff she's not supposed to~
Making us laugh~
And sigh~

Mary, may you live a long life, full of gladness and health.

Tonight is the Great Vigil of Easter. At last year's Vigil, we presented Mary to our church, where she was chrismated. Tomorrow we celebrate our Risen Lord!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Mary has figured out how to cross her arms. She does this usually after she's gotten a hat on her head. She found this part of Sam's "Indiana Jones" costume, and was really pleased with herself - standing in front of the mirror, crossing and uncrossing her arms, while grinning.
In more painful news, Mary has her first (and hopefully last!) ear infection. She started with a fever early yesterday morning, and was up all night long, crying, so I took her in to the doctor's office this morning. Since my ear had been hurting since Monday, I also saw the doctor - we have matching otis media. I was really surprised, considering I haven't had a case myself in over 25 years, and neither of the boys have ever had one.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool

Mary looks so silly in some of the things she decides to put on her head~