Sunday, July 13, 2008

Words (and pictures) fail me.

I just realized when posting about candling the eggs, that it was this week last year when we learned of "the baby's" heart defect. And, well, wow. "What a difference a year makes", would be the understatement, of the, well, year.

A couple of weeks ago we had some friends from church over for lunch. One couple's baby girl will be undergoing open-heart surgery to correct a heart defect next week. The surgeons are the same as Mary's, and she will be about the same age as Mary was for her second surgery. We also had another couple from church, who are pregnant with a baby boy, due the end of August, with yet another congenital heart defect. The purpose of our lunch was to share our experiences with both families. Throughout the afternoon, as I would talk about one aspect of our ordeal or another, I would always add, "But it really wasn't as bad as a I thought it would be." Scott started prompting me after about the 200th time :) And well, it really wasn't. It's hard to put into words now, just how scared and anxiety-ridden I was one year ago. There were lots of mornings spent sobbing in the shower, and walking out of doctors appointments having a hard time breathing, and sleepless nights overcome with heart pounding fear. But here, now, it's easy to say, not only wasn't 'it' as terrible as I worried, it was so much more amazingly wonderful than I ever imagined.

For they told you life is hard
Misery from the start, its dull,
Its slow, its painful
But I tell you life is sweet
In spite of the misery
There's so much more, be grateful
~Natalie Merchant

If you will, please say a prayer for little Baby M. next week, and her parents, that everything go smoothly, and that they are, where we are, before they know it. And next month, if you will, pray for Baby W. and his parents, that his entrance to this world be filled with peace, love and light.

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